Different children develop their teeth differently. Alone and chew everything, capricious and whimpering for 3 - 4 months of the appearance of each tooth and ruin the lives of all family members. And in other children, the teeth erupt painlessly, and the mother accidentally discovers them one day, not knowing at all that the child has grown teeth.
Tooth grinding in children and children
Due to the strong activity of the masticatory muscles, back and neck effects, headaches and visual impairment are also possible. Grinding of teeth can occur at any age, even children can be affected. With you, however, squeaky teeth are often normal, because they just recognize their teeth. However, as a rule, the crunch should disappear as soon as all children's teeth appear.
If teeth grinding occurs in children or infants, stress may be a possible cause, as in adults. Often, however, the cause of the crunch is not obvious. If the children are bent by their teeth during the day, you should point this out to small ones, because most of the time the crunch occurs unconsciously. If teeth grinding remain or teeth hurt, you should consult a dentist.
Have a relatively healthy baby age when teeth appear is determined by heredity. In one family, almost all children have teeth earlier, and in the other - later. Do not think that your child is better than the other, if his teeth erupted early. And do not assume that your child is mentally and physically lagging behind, because his teeth appeared late.
Gear grinding often goes unnoticed for a longer period of time, because it unconsciously occurs during sleep. Only when the toothache or the tension of the chewing muscles becomes noticeable, does the dentist visit. Although the symptoms often disappear on their own, a visit to the dentist always makes sense. For those who have waited too long, there may be a risk of damage to the teeth.
For this reason, you should contact your dentist beforehand: first, he will carefully check your teeth and fix too high fillers or crowns, as well as tightly fitting dentures. Perhaps this will ease the symptoms. Otherwise, wearing a bite splint helps prevent tooth grinding. A plastic tire, which is mostly worn at night, does not allow teeth to wipe each other and provides a uniform load on the muscles. As a result, further damage to the teeth can be prevented.
How to grow teeth in a child
As a rule, the first teeth appear about 7 months, but from 3 - 4 months the child whimpers, bites everything and periodically cries. In the first 2 "/ 2 years, the child must grow 20 teeth, so it is not surprising that almost all this time his teeth are bothering. It is also clear why any discomfort during this period can be easily explained by teething.
Relaxation exercises help prevent crunch
However, the tight jaw muscles do not loosen when wearing a splint. A bite splint will be made by your dentist especially for you. Expenses for the railway usually go to medical insurance. To reduce the load on the jaw muscles, it is important that patients watch themselves every day again and again. If you notice that your jaw muscles are tense, you must consciously relax them. Repeating volitional relaxation of muscles, you can gradually get rid of the crunch.
Physiotherapy exercises can also help to achieve a permanent state of relaxation. They ensure that the chest muscles, as well as the muscles of the neck, shoulders, forehead and temples, are relaxed again. In addition, it is recommended to use relaxation techniques such as yoga or autogenic training, massage and heat treatment. If grinding teeth cannot be mitigated by these measures, a visit to a therapist may be helpful.
In the past, teething was considered the cause of colds, diarrhea, fever. Of course, the cause of these diseases is not teething. However, in some children, teething reduces the overall resistance of the body and they get sick more easily at this time. Therefore, if the child gets sick during teething or the temperature exceeds 38 ", it is necessary to call a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Many parents claim that teething violates the designs of children. However, there are several studies and studies that show that the dentition does not affect sleep as much as we think. Your child may have pain in the gums and may wake up more often due to discomfort, or be more irritable and in a bad mood due to teeth that go out. Although you must think that you can be irritable precisely because of a lack of sleep and a lack of healthy sleep habits.
Your child will grow teeth during the first two years of life. If we change the rules or subroutines every time we see a tooth that grows, there will never be consistency in your child’s routine, and he will be even more confused by everything related to sleep. Remember that even one or two nights of changing the rules may be enough for your child to start waking up again.
Usually, the first two lower central teeth appear first (the 8 front teeth are called incisors). After a few months, four upper incisors are cut. Usually by the year the child has 8 teeth (4 below and 4 above). Then there is usually a break of several months, after which almost 6 teeth are cut one after another: 2 remaining lower incisors and 4 molars, which are located on the lateral sides of the jaw. Between the molars and the incisors there is a place for the canines (pointed at the ends), which appear several months after the molars. As a rule, they erupt in the second half of the second year. The last 4 more molars grow, usually in the first half of the third year of life.
In fact, well-rested children cope with their painful discomfort much better than children who are tired and struggle with fatigue. If you think that the eruption of your child can interrupt their sleep, it is very important that you maintain the usual procedure that you have had so far.
Low fever roughness increase diaper teenager increased suction need to bite strip of ears reduce appetite. If your baby wakes up a lot at night or he has trouble falling asleep, but it looks like he doesn't hurt, stay in a sleep routine. If you change your routine even for a couple of nights, you may have problems returning to your good behavior habits.
The first four molars erupt especially painfully. The child may act up and lose his appetite for several days. He may wake up several times a night. If he doesn't fall asleep again quickly, then this can be a problem. The easiest way to calm a child is to give him milk from a cup or from a nipple. Isn't it risky? In most cases, the child stops waking up as soon as his teeth erupt. But sometimes children develop the habit of waking up at night, especially if they are picked up and engaged in them. Therefore, I think that it is better not to feed the child at night and not to take him in your arms if he falls asleep after a few minutes. If you have to feed him at night, do it in a crib, but as soon as your teeth erupt, stop this practice immediately.
If you suspect that your baby’s gums hurt, you can ease the pain by letting go of a cold finger or give something cold to bite, like a ring teething in a refrigerator. Make sure that it is not something else that prevents your baby from sleeping. Ear infections are often confused with teething. If your child has a fever or any other signs of illness, consult a doctor.
Stress and anxiety can lead to some unwanted oral health problems, such as grinding teeth - and you can't even understand it. Also known as bruxism, grinding teeth is when you squeeze them tightly or make them slide back and forth. This usually happens unconsciously when you sleep.
Caring parents in advance buy their baby special teether rings with liquid inside. Usually they are cooled in the fridge (without freezing!) And allowed to gnaw crumbs. Remembering that cold brings relief at all, you can replace the rings with a piece of wet terry cloth. Even a simple stroke of the gums with your finger will reduce pain. But if these funds do not help, consult your doctor. Perhaps you should buy a painkiller, for example, a gel that is applied directly to the gums, or a paracetamol syrup, which has a slight analgesic effect.
Although it is not considered a dangerous disorder, it can put pressure on the muscles and tissues of the lower jaw and wear out your teeth, according to the National Institutes of Health. This can cause pain in the jaw, headaches and ears, and permanent damage to the teeth. Although there are several reasons for grinding teeth, daily stress can be the biggest stimulus for most people. Symptoms include tooth sensitivity, jaw pain and insomnia.
Relaxing the face and jaw muscles during the day can also help - to make it a habit. Avoiding hard foods, such as candy and walnuts, drinking plenty of water and massaging the neck muscles, shoulders, and face can often help relieve or reduce pain.
When in the middle of the first year of life the first teeth of a child grow, he also often wakes up at night.
Some mothers consider it their duty not to let the baby put anything in their mouth. But most babies just need it for at least 6 to 15 months. The constant struggle torments both the mother and the child. It is more reasonable to provide the child with items for chewing, which should not have sharp corners and edges, so that the child does not hurt himself if he falls. Be careful with thin celluloid toys. Sometimes children break off small pieces of celluloid, swallow them and can choke. Make sure that the child does not nibble paint from furniture and other items. Some children prefer to chew a piece of cloth. Allow the child to chew on everything he wants, except for objects that are dangerous to him. Do not be afraid of bacteria that live on items that he chews. These are his own 6 bacteria to which he has long been accustomed. Of course, you need to wash the ring with soap and water, if it falls to the floor or if the dog grabs it. Boil from time to time a rag that the child is chewing, Some children like a strong massage of the gums.
However there are others possible reasons for grinding teeth. These include: sleep disorders; abnormal bite, displaced teeth, as well as in children, mouth irritation and allergies. In such cases, dentists may offer mouth protection to protect teeth during sleep. Dentists may also recommend a muscle relaxant for use at bedtime.
Any reproduction or redistribution without the prior written permission of the American Dental Association is not required.
Bruxism is a much more common disease than we think, and is characterized by the habit of grinding or clenching our teeth.
First of all, it must be remembered that the crowns of the teeth (that is, the part of the teeth that protrudes on the surface of the gums) are formed in the gums long before the birth of the child from those substances that the mother receives with nutrition during pregnancy. Studies have shown that the following substances are especially useful for strengthening teeth: calcium and phosphorus (milk and cheese), vitamins D (in the form of concentrate and sunlight), vitamin C (in the form of concentrate, oranges and other citrus fruits, fresh tomatoes, cabbage). Vitamin A and some vitamins of group B, apparently, are just as necessary as other substances.
If you have any of the following symptoms, you may suffer from bruxism. Rhythmic contractions of the lower jaw muscles; Watch your teeth, making a sound that can disturb the sleep of the person with whom you share the room; Stiff or sore jaw muscles; Click or click while moving the temporomandibular joint; Pain for a long time in the muscles of the face; Damaged teeth, damaged dental restorations and sore gums; Headache ; and swelling in the lower jaw due to tightening of the teeth. During the feeding phase, babies go through several stages of inadequacy, which is absolutely normal, but leaves no permanent face for hair care.
Permanent teeth of a child that appear not earlier than 6 years old begin to form several months after birth. At this age, the child receives a large amount of phosphorus and calcium from milk. From one month of age, the child should receive vitamins C and D (usually they are given to the newborn as concentrates).
There are many reasons that affect not only food, but also the mood and sleep of a child. Therefore, before bragging about the four winds, that your child eats everything, or sleeps all night, do not let the braids on your forehead and try to go through the first 3 years of life without worrying at each of these phases.
Nutritional difficulties in typical developing children may begin during these phases of inadequacy. Instead of considering these periods as a normal stage of child development, unprepared professionals often worsen the situation with the simple phrase “this child should eat”. Such a short offer, but with a huge potential for an imbalance of the whole power dynamics. The family begins to worry, increasing the level of stress and frustration while eating. And the emotional impact during meals has a big impact on the future results of feeding.
Fluoride is a very valuable substance for building good teeth. It should be part of the diet of a pregnant woman and a small child during the formation of permanent teeth. In those countries where fluoride is contained in water, teeth are destroyed much less. In many countries, fluoride is added to water. If it is not in the water, the dentist can partially compensate for this deficiency by applying a thin layer of fluoride on the child’s teeth. Until now, some people rebel against the addition of fluorine to water, considering it harmful, despite careful research by scientists and their conclusion about the benefits of such a measure. But at one time, many objected to both universal vaccination and water chlorination, although now it has become commonplace.
The main mistake of pediatric care in any specialty is taking a manual so that the child eats more. It turns out that in the first two years of life, food complements breast milk , and not vice versa. therefore breast-feeding until the age of two or more years, as recommended by the World Health Organization, makes the family safer for the child at these stages of inefficiency and goes through these periods without injury or stress.
The first three years of life coincide with a number of major changes in the life of a child. Often they occur in a series, and in combination with other situations they can leave a child agitated, canceling his usual image of hunger and sleep. Knowing that the child is expected to survive these transitional phases, the guardian is aware of subtle changes in behavior, explains the causes and lowers expectations for feeding and sleeping.
Scientists have not yet found an exhaustive answer to the question of why teeth are being destroyed (a phenomenon called caries). The nutrition of the woman during pregnancy and the nutrition of the child is certainly very important for preventing caries. Heredity also plays a role.
My son no longer wants to stay on a highchair, he is 11 months old, and he throws food and looks down. He almost walks without moving for a minute. Every time a child begins to develop a new ability, he becomes so excited during the process that he wants to practice every moment. During these periods, they can withstand established procedures and can change patterns that parents have become accustomed to, such as meal times.
In the days preceding the so-called leap of development, the child feels lost in what he already knew. Their perceptual and cognitive systems changed, neurological maturation occurred, but there was no time to adapt to the changes.
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