Many patients are interested in when the pressure is normal and the head hurts, why is this happening? Headache is a frequent symptom characteristic of many diseases. Pain is always caused by sensitive pain receptors of the dura mater, which are located between the bones of the skull and the brain itself, as well as the receptors of the tendons and muscle tissues covering the bones of the skull. A person begins to feel a headache when exposed to these receptors and the nervous system of various processes.
Most people, when they have a headache, begin to drink various pain pills - analgin, aspirin, askofen and so on. However, few people think that the effect of the use of these drugs may not be at all what they usually expect - headaches may become more frequent. In addition, the cause of the headache does not always lie in the head. Sometimes it is a symptom of a disease of one of the internal organs, and the body thus tries to report that it urgently needs help.
In order to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, there are many ways, and many of them have nothing to do with taking pills. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that all these methods will only help to briefly deal with the symptom, but they will not solve the main problem. In order to get rid of a headache forever, you need to find out its exact cause, and it is necessary to treat it, not a symptom.
Many patients are interested in when the pressure is normal and the head hurts, why is this happening? Headache is a frequent symptom characteristic of many diseases. Pain is always caused by sensitive pain receptors of the dura mater, which are located between the bones of the skull and the brain itself, as well as the receptors of the tendons and muscle tissues covering the bones of the skull. A person begins to feel a headache when exposed to these receptors and the nervous system of various processes.
Most people, when they have a headache, begin to drink various pain pills - analgin, aspirin, askofen and so on. However, few people think that the effect of the use of these drugs may not be at all what they usually expect - headaches may become more frequent. In addition, the cause of the headache does not always lie in the head. Sometimes it is a symptom of a disease of one of the internal organs, and the body thus tries to report that it urgently needs help.
In order to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, there are many ways, and many of them have nothing to do with taking pills. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that all these methods will only help to briefly deal with the symptom, but they will not solve the main problem. In order to get rid of a headache forever, you need to find out its exact cause, and it is necessary to treat it, not a symptom.
Provoking factors
Headache is often a sign of high or low blood pressure, so when you have a headache, it is always recommended to measure pressure. If the pressure is normal, the cause should be sought elsewhere.
Among the main causes of headache at normal pressure are the following.
One of the most common causes of pain in the head is the traumatic brain injury. This is especially characteristic of children, because they are constantly in motion and often during games they accidentally hit their heads. Sometimes the blows are quite weak, and the person forgets that he was injured. But after a while the pain begins to declare itself. In such cases, it is imperative to contact the hospital to find out how serious the injury is.
A few days headache with inflammation and purulent processes with different localization. At the same time, the patient has a serious fever, general weakness, loss of appetite. Inflammatory processes can be different, so treatment depends on each specific case.
In trigeminal neuralgia, the headache is one-sided, shooting. It is usually localized in the lower jaw and occurs with seizures. The disease is treated with the drug carbamazepine.
With abscess of the brain, the headache is felt most strongly in the temporal areas. Sometimes the pain goes into the frontal lobes. A distinctive feature of abscesses is the duration of the headache - it can cause anxiety for three days. In addition, patients experience hearing impairment, taste receptors, smell, muscle tone decreases. In the treatment of the disease, complex therapy is used, which consists of several stages.
Various colds can also be the cause. Frequent symptoms of colds are fever and headache. There are many methods for treating these diseases.
Pituitary adenoma is a rather serious disease, in which, in addition to headache, there is an increase in body weight, increased hair growth on the body, inability to have sex, double vision, runny nose, sudden hardening of muscles, general weakness, impaired speech function and loss view. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital.
When adenovirus infection in humans, there is aching headache, fever, nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting, loss of appetite. Symptoms may continue for 2-4 weeks. In such cases, it is advisable to contact the hospital as soon as possible.
In vertebral artery syndrome, in addition to the headache, which is dull sticking in nature, the patient has tinnitus and pain in the neck. Symptoms manifest themselves periodic attacks, the duration of which ranges from a few seconds to one hour. Painkillers with this disease do not bring almost any effects - they provide a barely noticeable relief. The treatment must be comprehensive and must take place under the supervision of a physician.
The appearance of a fistula is accompanied by pain, severe aching pain, and in most cases inflammation. There are several methods for treating fistulas, but in most cases it takes some time to fully recover, during which the headache will continue. After complete wound healing, the pathological process disappears.
In the case of allergies, headaches are often accompanied by a runny nose and lacrimation, these symptoms are treated by taking antihistamine drugs.
Non-Disease Causes
Excessive muscle strain also causes an unpleasant symptom. The pain that was caused by this cause is called tensile cephalgia. Usually in this case, the pain is localized in the back of the head and gives to the temples. It is a stinging character and does not go about 5 hours. Extremely rare headache accompanied by nausea. Often tension cephalgia is provoked by stressful situations. The pain may last for 3 days, periodically stopping, but then starting again. Usually, to get rid of it, it is enough to drink a pill of ibuprofen or paracetamol.
Stress, psychological stress, constant fatigue - one of the most common causes of headaches. In such cases, the most effective treatment is a good rest. It is recommended to take a relaxing bath and go to bed. In no case can not overwork. Usually, after a good rest, the headache disappears and no longer causes discomfort to the patient.
There may be pain caused by certain types of food. For example, this often occurs in extreme heat, if you eat ice cream and drink a cold drink. The pain in this case goes away immediately after the body temperature returns to normal. There are also certain products that can lead to such a reaction. For example, sausages that contain monosodium glutamate, which can cause pain in the head, neck, chest, shoulders and face, are dangerous. In this case, you need to completely eliminate such foods from your diet.
Headaches often bother women who are in position. This occurs as a result of hemorrhage in the adenoma. The head in this case can hurt for several days, and the pain usually gives in the eyes. Fully the body returns to normal only after childbirth, as a rule, no dangerous consequences to the woman.
If a headache has become a frequent enough occurrence, it is necessary to contact the hospital as soon as possible, so that a proper examination is carried out there, an accurate diagnosis is made and the treatment is required. Headache is always a symptom, and sometimes this symptom indicates the presence of a very serious illness in a patient. When attacks can not be overstrained - you need to relax, relax, try to sleep. In most cases, a good and complete rest will bring the patient visible relief.
Many patients are interested in when the pressure is normal and the head hurts, why is this happening?