Health ecology: Dr. Karel Simonton - oncologist, specialist in the treatment of cancer patients. His wife is a psychologist, a consultant on cancer patients. Thirty years ago, the Simonton spouses asked themselves a question that worried each of us: “Why, despite the same prognosis for the course of the disease, some patients die and others recover?�� And even more precisely: “Why do some cancer patients die with the same treatment and others with the same type of illness recover? "
Dr. Karel Simonton is an oncologist specializing in the treatment of cancer patients. His wife is a psychologist, a consultant on cancer patients. Thirty years ago, the Simonton spouses asked themselves a question that worried each of us: “Why, despite the same prognosis for the course of the disease, some patients die and others recover?�� And even more precisely: “Why do some cancer patients die with the same treatment and others with the same type of illness recover? "
Are we talking about ordinary statistics or is there an additional factor of recovery besides the conventional methods of treatment? And if so, what is this factor that cannot be detected by laboratory tests? What is the spiritual basis, the desire to live, giving the power to fight and not to despair?
Spouses Simonton opened in Dallas, Texas, a consulting and research center for the study of cancer. Together they wrote a book “Getting well again” - “To become healthy again” (the Russian name in translation is “Cancer psychotherapy”), in which they claim that based on their experience with hundreds of patients, they discovered the scientific basis of the “desire to live” in their center.
In the book, the authors teach to strengthen their spiritual component, vital for the fight against cancer. The position of the spouses suggests that the patient himself is no less responsible for his recovery and for the state of his health. The reverse approach, putting all the responsibility for our cure on the doctor, is only partially correct. A person as a carrier of the disease has a significant role in prevention, reaction to the procedure and the final cure of the disease.
The psychological component and the desire to live, as well as the belief in the ability to recover and cure - has a very large impact on the recovery of cancer patients and their return to a full healthy life . Cancer refers to diseases in which the body attacks itself.
Some say that the cause of cancer is in the external environment, others insist on the importance of internal factors of the body (genetics, psychological stress). Anyway, there is a mutual understanding that chronic psychological stress weakens the immune system and increases the risk of getting all ills, especially cancer.
Today, an approach is becoming increasingly common, according to which it is not enough to diagnose cancer and treat only it - it is necessary to treat a person in a complex way. In other words, the treatment of a cancer patient should be much wider than conventional cancer procedures and include components to improve the patient’s quality of life and mood.
When they talk about the serious side effects of chemotherapy, they usually mean physical phenomena, the effect on the human body, forgetting about the additional side effect of this treatment, the effect on the mental state of the person and the suppression of the desire to live.
One of the effective means of improving mood and enhancing the will to live is the use of tools and procedures offered by complementary medicine, in particular, biologically active food additives. They directly or indirectly affect the patient’s quality of life and thereby his will to live.
A vivid example of LifeMel is a unique Israeli beehive drug, designed specifically to prevent and combat the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. After admission, patients report significant relief of symptoms and the ability to function normally, even during the most difficult procedures. This is confirmed by the results of clinical studies.
Patients testified to a significant improvement in the quality of life, mood, and later on the increased will to live. Other examples of procedures that support and improve mood can be controlled imagination, support groups, and techniques to help cope with pain.
In treating cancer patients, therapists try to psychologically support patients, in addition to using conventional chemical procedures, increasing their will to live, showing and proving that they still have a lot to strive for, that there is hope for recovery and achievement of goals.
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These techniques activate lymphatic metabolism throughout the body.
Everything that the Soul experiences, the Body makes visible
The book of the spouses Simonton contains many examples of patients on whom conventional medicine put up a cross and who, nevertheless, lived a long life. Doctors call it a "medical miracle." It is possible that the basis of this miracle is the indomitable will to live, the desire to recover, and the use of biologically active supplements of complimentary medicine. published by
The book "To become healthy again," the wife of Simonton
? And even more precisely: “Why do some cancer patients die with the same treatment and others with the same type of illness recover?
Thirty years ago, the Simonton spouses asked themselves a question that worried each of us: “Why, despite the same prognosis for the course of the disease, some patients die and others recover?
? And even more precisely: “Why do some cancer patients die with the same treatment and others with the same type of illness recover?
Are we talking about ordinary statistics or is there an additional factor of recovery besides the conventional methods of treatment?
And if so, what is this factor that cannot be detected by laboratory tests?
What is the spiritual basis, the desire to live, giving the power to fight and not to despair?