
Calcium Gluconate for Allergies

  1. How does the drug on the body during the period of allergy
  2. How to take the medicine
  3. What doses should take the drug

Allergy is a fairly common disease that can affect people of absolutely any age. In fact, this is an inadequate reaction of the body’s immune system to a stimulus, which can be a variety of substances or natural phenomena. To date, there are many effective ways to treat the allergic process, which include drug therapy, immunotherapy. As a rule, drug therapy can not only eliminate the symptoms of an existing allergic process, but also stop its progression.

If today there is such a large number of antiallergic drugs, then is it advisable to use calcium gluconate for allergies. Of course, Calcium Gluconate is quite effective in treatment allergic reactions and helps reduce the severity of symptoms. If today there is such a large number of antiallergic drugs, then is it advisable to use calcium gluconate for allergies

How does the drug on the body during the period of allergy

Calcium gluconate is a drug based on calcium, which is metal . Doctors say that it has a very beneficial effect on the human body, including during allergies. For a long time, scientists have established the fact that if in the human body this metal is in insufficient quantity, then it is predisposed to the development of an allergic process. Thanks to him, the permeability of the vascular walls is reduced. If we consider the development of allergies in the body, we can see that under the action of histamine, the small vessels begin to expand, respectively, their walls become thinner, which leads to the appearance of puffiness. It turns out that calcium does not block the mediators of the inflammatory process, but smoothes their action.

A patient who takes calcium gluconate during allergy treatment feels much better, as the symptoms are not so pronounced. To achieve an even greater effect from the drug, you can combine it with taking antihistamine drugs.

How to take the medicine

Calcium gluconate for allergies is better to take, following the following recommendations:

  • before taking the medicine, it is better to turn the calcium gluconate tablet into a powder, in particular this is important when children use the drug;
  • medication should be taken somewhere one hour before meals;
  • You can combine calcium gluconate intake with vitamin D intake;
  • you should not change the dosage of the medicine yourself, it is better to consult with your doctor about this issue.

Calcium gluconate with allergies in some cases may be contraindicated, which is why you should not prescribe yourself to take this drug yourself, so as not to provoke a deterioration of health and the development of complications. Calcium gluconate   with allergies in some cases may be contraindicated, which is why you should not prescribe yourself to take this drug yourself, so as not to provoke a deterioration of health and the development of complications

When it is better to refuse to take calcium gluconate from allergies:

  • if the body already has an excess of this substance;
  • if the patient has impaired hemostasis, that is, there is increased blood clotting;
  • with liver or kidney failure;
  • if there are disorders of the parathyroid glands;
  • with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Calcium gluconate for allergies can have side effects, like any other drug. Symptoms of side effects after taking gluconate are: bradycardia, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache. Also after taking medication a person may feel unwell and lethargy. You can learn more about how side effects can occur by reading reviews from people who have encountered this problem.

What doses should take the drug

If the drug is used in pills, then adults should take 2 to 6 tablets two or three times a day. Children from 3 to 5 years old take two tablets per day, children aged 5 to 6 years take 2-2.5 tablets per day, children from 10 years old take five tablets 2-3 times a day. If the drug is used in pills, then adults should take 2 to 6 tablets two or three times a day

If gluconate is used by injection, that is, by the intravenous or intramuscular route, then the dose should be as follows:

  • adults make injections of 5-10 milliliters of a 10% solution every day, after one or two days. The frequency of administration will depend on the nature of the allergic disease and the general condition of the patient;
  • for children, the drug is prescribed depending on age, 1-5 milliliters of a 10% solution every three days. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor;
  • if it is an intravenous injection, then the solution must be heated to the temperature of the person’s body before the injection, otherwise the medicine may give a precipitate;
  • during pregnancy in order to prevent bleeding, the drug is prescribed at 28 weeks of a course of 7 to 10 days. Then the course is repeated at 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.
