- Causes of an allergic reaction on the face
- Allergy to the face - symptoms
- What to do if an allergic rash appears
- Allergy on the face, what to do - diagnosis and treatment
Allergy is a specific reaction of the body to a stimulus. The latter are often substances that, in a healthy person, do not cause a painful reaction. This may be food, pollen, house dust. Among the strong allergens also include chemicals, drugs.
Allergies can occur in both adults and children. The latter suffer from it more often - the reason - weak immunity, not fully formed digestive system.
As for the manifestations of allergies, they are very diverse, can be observed on the skin, appear from the respiratory or digestive system. Allergies are most commonly seen on the face, characterized by its many symptoms, but before considering them, it is worth knowing about the reasons causing such an organism reaction.
Causes of an allergic reaction on the face
Allergy on the face can be triggered by completely different allergens, such as:
- Food;
- medicinal drugs ;
- preservatives;
- sun rays (ultraviolet);
- mold fungi;
- cosmetics;
- insect bites;
- dust mites;
- Pets.
After reviewing this list, we understand that allergies on the face can be caused by completely different allergens. Depending on this will be different and its manifestations.
Allergy to the face - symptoms
In order to be able to suspect the presence of allergies in time, to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, you need to consider all of her symptoms, which are the same in children and adults. On the face will be noticeable:
Due to the fact that the last symptom of allergy is considered the most common, it should be considered in more detail. On the face can occur such types of rash as:
- papule - is a swelling of red color, which becomes white when pressed. Often, its size varies within 3 mm, but can reach 30 mm in diameter, but such cases are rare enough;
- An abscess is a swelling of red color, inside of which there is a white head - a cavity filled with pus. Minor ulcers go away without a trace, deep scars often leave what I would not like to see on the face;
- blister - has a round or irregular shape, disappears within a day independently;
- vesicle - is a tubercle, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 mm, inside it is a transparent or reddish liquid.
One of the most common types of allergic rash on the face is eczema, which is presented to your attention in the photo below. You may notice that the number of symptoms that can appear on the face during allergies is quite large. In this case, it is important to understand what to do in order to get rid of them. To do this, consult a doctor who can determine allergy cause and also develop the most effective treatment program.
What to do if an allergic rash appears
If such symptoms of allergy on the face as a rash, skin irritation, peeling are noticed, the person immediately tries to take some measures on his own in order to quickly get rid of them. This is not surprising, because he is guided by aesthetic considerations, because they do not want to leave the house in this way.
It is important to remember that the skin on the face is very delicate, so the fight against any allergy symptoms that appear on the skin should be very careful, otherwise you can only hurt.
If the face has a rash, peeling, other symptoms of allergies, in any case it is impossible:
- wash your face with soap ;
- scratching rashes;
- wipe the rash or irritation with alcohol;
- use foundation or powder.
Instead, it is better to treat the skin with kefir, this will help alleviate the symptoms. Next, be sure to consult a doctor. The only way you can get rid of allergies quickly and efficiently, without harming their own health.
Allergy on the face, what to do - diagnosis and treatment
When visiting a doctor, he first collects anamnesis. This will help to understand what provoked the allergy on the face and how serious the situation is, to determine which diagnostic methods in this case will be the most effective.
Next - directly diagnosis. This is a standard set of studies, which involves the delivery of blood tests to determine the level of immunoglobulin E, the passage of allergy tests. As for the last procedure, it is quite simple, it can be seen in the photo below.
If the skin is affected not only on the face, but throughout the body, it will be a contraindication for skin tests. Then the blood serum will be used under laboratory conditions. Diagnostic results will be no less accurate.
When the allergen is determined, we can talk about how to quickly and permanently get rid of allergies. The first thing you need to do is to protect yourself from repeated contact with an irritant.
If the allergen enters the body again, the allergic reaction in most cases manifests itself much stronger than the previous time. Such complications as anaphylactic shock, angioedema are possible.
Next - taking antihistamine drugs. It can be funds from any generation, but the most widespread representatives of the second and third generations. They allow you to quickly get rid of allergies, while not have a hypnotic effect, are characterized by a minimum number of side effects. One of these drugs - Zyrtec. You can see it in the photo below.
Antihistamines remove all the symptoms , improve the overall clinical picture, after a few days there comes a noticeable relief. But they will not help to get rid of the rash on the face as quickly as it should be, therefore it is advisable to use drugs for local treatment. It can be the same antihistamine drugs, only in a different form of release, for example, Fenistil gel. How it looks like you see in the photo below.
Of course, you can use folk remedies, which will increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, will help get rid of the rash on the face as soon as possible. The simplest ones are chamomile decoctions, sage lines. Pharmaceutical chamomile is considered the most effective; you see it in the photo below.
Another thing - allergic conjunctivitis, which can also be attributed to the symptoms of allergies on the face. His photo you see below. To eliminate conjunctivitis, you will need special eye drops that only a doctor can prescribe. Of course, the redness of the eyes can go through a couple of days and independently, on condition that contact with the allergen is stopped, but it is better to take care that relief comes first.
As for the swelling of the face, then you need to use medications depending on the severity of the swelling. If it is small, such as in the photo below, it will be able to go on its own, with more serious manifestations can not do without drugs. Prescribes medication only doctor.
If there is angioedema, an ambulance is urgently needed. It can be hazardous to health and life.